What We Do

We identify the needs of our customers, design relevant processes, conceive and optimize digital products and services, implement software and sustainably enable our customers in these activities.

We learn the needs and requirements; we test the usability and user experience. We are the experienced partner for our customers and accompany the conception and development. We then validate the prototypes and products.
We are creators of the experienceability of digital products and services. In the agile design process, we develop digital products and services that people really need and can use optimally. We work hand in hand with UX researchers, consultants and software developers. In doing so, we closely involve the customer and validate solutions with potential users.
We are experts in the planning, analysis, conception and implementation of application software and web applications for desktop and mobile devices.
We enable our customers to work in an agile and user-centered way - sustainable and tailored to the individual needs of each customer. Our coaches draw on our many years of project experience and the various expertise of an interdisciplinary team.
As specialists, we develop digital solutions together with our customers. We develop strategies and support our customers in their strategic realignment. We act as a competent companion in innovation and change processes and help with product and service optimization.

services and methods

Adjective Association

Association techniques evoke ideas to a specific problem using the stimulus of any words. This way innovation can emerge.

Analogy Study

Analogy studies expand the perspective for the solution of a problem and support recognizing new and innovative solution processes.

Application scenarios

Application scenarios facilitate the insight of how users utilize your product in real contexts. An alternative term is User Story.

Applying Design Thinking

This workshop is individually tailored and involves the precise application of design thinking in the everyday work of the participants.

Needs Analysis

The needs analysis is the starting point of every human centered design and raises the questions, which play a role in the planning, development and usage of digital products and services. The needs analysis focuses the needs, problems and beliefs of users, analyzes the context of application and gathers technical and organizational conditions which later build up the basis of the product development.

Basic interaction concept

Basis interaction concept

The basis interaction concept specifies and visualizes the basic structure, a rough range of functionality as well as the basic principles of interaction between user and product.

Example of visual design basis SAP HANA

Basis Visual Design

The basis visual design focuses on the visual representation of content.

Blended Projects

Sometimes specific resources or qualifications are missing for conducting a project following the design thinking approach. In such case existing project teams can be completed with experts from D-LABS and build up a joint project team.

Brainstorming & Co.

Creativity requires the right setting and appropriate techniques. The theoretical und practical basics of both are components of this workshop.

Card Sorting

A flexible method to form rankings, evaluate alternatives, arrange components and prioritize information for digital products. It supports creating information architecture, menu structures or navigation elements and understanding the mental model of users. Information is structured and labeled, and ideas can be understood and rated.

Business Process Modeling

Business process modeling provides real tangible models which are created and discussed in the team. The team starts modeling the actual state process to have the basis for the optimized model of the target state.

Brand Experience Design

The specific design for a positive brand experience is a key task in today’s complex brand structures, in which customers contact a brand less and less linear.

Coaching Projects

Goal of this service is to flexibly support organizations in realizing projects following the design thinking approach. The content will be developed by the customer´s employees. D-LABS experts will lend support with methods, moderation and facilitation.

Creating Awareness

The Workshop ‘Creating Awareness’ is specifically suitable for newcomers to the topic of design thinking. Goal of this workshop is to raise awareness for the design thinking approach in all participants.

Team in co-creation process


You and your users work equally on a for your product relevant questioning. At collaborating you develop innovations and ideas further.

Development of the product strategy

Goal of the strategic product development is to reveal new ways for an existing or future product – regarding the users, new features and new product versions. A product strategy can be developed from the viewpoint of users, experts or the customer.

Customer Journey Maps

The ideal enabler for understanding the user needs.

Customer Experience Design

Know, understand and guide customers, coupled with the creation of a unique experience.

Evolutionary Prototyping

Prototypes are great means of communication. Within the development team as well as with end users, customers and other stakeholders they serve as knowledge transfers regarding idea, utilization and characteristic. Prototyping optimizes the quality of the requirements definition and provides the possibility of conducting user tests.

Evaluation of technical feasibility

The early consideration of technical feasability assures appropriate effort of implementation and tapping the full potential that a technology offers.

Development Support

If D-LABS is not charged with the final implementation D-LABS offers development support in order to make sure that the aligned overall concept is implemented as planned.

Experten Evaluation

With an expert evaluation the usability of your prototype or product is tested by a usability expert on the basis of obligatory standards. Alternative terms are Quick Check, Ergonomics, Heuristic evaluation and Cognitive walkthrough.

Experience Prototyping

Prototypes are great means of communication. Within the development team as well as with end users, customers and other stakeholders they serve as knowledge transfers regarding idea, utilization and characteristic. Prototyping optimizes the quality of the requirements definition and provides the possibility of conducting user tests.

Flow Model

Flow models, or a Network Analysis, illustrate the essential information flows between individuals, departments and organizations necessary for the execution of tasks.

Focus group discussion

Focus group discussions bring together representatives of all relevant target groups and allow deep insights into general attitudes, opinions and trends via directed moderation by D-LABS experts.

Functional Prototype

Prototypes are great means of communication. Within the development team as well as with end users, customers and other stakeholders they serve as knowledge transfers regarding idea, utilization and characteristic. Prototyping optimizes the quality of the requirements definition and provides the possibility of conducting user tests.

Human-centered Design

Human-centered Design focuses on the users in their context as well as all stakeholders in a product development. Their needs and requirements on the digital product lead the iterative development and optimization of the concept.

Implementation of cross-platform solutions

In the implementation phase solutions with the state-of-the-art technologies are realized on the basis of software quality standards. With this the customer has a fully functioning application available.


The high fidelity prototype is a very detailed prototype and serves developers as a model to understand interactions, reactions and animations.

Information Architecture

The information architecture describes the structural construction of the information conveyed by the product. An alternative term can be the site map.

Interaction Design

Interaction design means creating an overall concept for a digital product building on the needs of users, the requirements of customers, the technical possibilities, the ergonomic design standards and user experience principles.

Individual Customer Workshop

In individual customer workshops we care for your specific problems and new challenges.

Detailed Interaction Concept

The interaction concept describes the structure of content, the range of features, as well as principles of interaction between user and product.

Interaction Specification

The interaction specification describes and illustrates the principles of interaction be-tween user and product.

Kick-Off Workshop

Also known as REQUIREMENTS WORKSHOP or DISCOVERY WORKSHOP. Good requirements management or requirements engineering is the foundation of any product or service development and optimization.


A click dummy is a partly interactive prototype of a website or an application. Alternative terms are mock up or simply interactive prototype.

Competition Analysis

The competition analysis provides an overview of the market, the market situation and indicates trends. Alternative terms are Market analysis, Trend analysis and Competition pro-file.

Medium-Fidelity- Prototyping

A medium fidelity prototype is a prototype with limited functionality but clickable areas which presents the interactions and navigation possibilities of an application.

Creative Session

Employing different ideation methods first solution approaches are generated in a creativity session. Creativity techniques strongly support this Vision development.


Compilation of images and other types of visual information material. It serves communicating first impressions, user worlds and visual styles within the team.

User Needs

What are User needs? Why should you know your user’s needs? How do you get to know them?

Paper Prototyping

Paper prototyping is a quick and cost-effective method to test the possible range of features and the order of selected interaction elements within a product. Prototypes are great means of communication. Within the development team as well as with end users, customers and other stakeholders they serve as knowledge transfers regarding idea, utilization and characteristic. Prototyping optimizes the quality of the requirements definition and provides the possibility of conducting user tests. This early adoption to the real user needs saves high costs of late adjustments in the development process. With this approach, the final product will more likely meet the user’s needs regarding look, feel and performance.

Parallel Design

Parallel design is a method at which alternative concept or design proposals are cre-ated by several UX designers at the same time. The goal is to generate and evaluate different ideas before the team decides on one design for further development.

Persona Power

The focus of this workshop is on methods which support a shared understanding within the team regarding the users, tasks and processes of the application.

Process Design

The goal of process design is the derivation of user and task oriented target process-es. We identify which processes are being used and which are being supported by the product.

Product Test

A product test ascertains detailed feedback regarding the actual state of a product or a prototype of a future product. This evaluation can either happen by end users or by D-LABS experts. Additionally comparisons with other (competing) products or DIN-norms and standards are possible.


A persona is a vivid characterization of a target user group. It visualizes their needs expectations and mode of behavior. Alternative terms are User role and user group description.

Qualitative Survey

Qualitative interviews are applied to analyze user needs and requirements, to de-scribe processes and evaluate opinions and preferences of users. Alternative terms are contextual interview and guided interview.

Quantitative Survey

If user needs and requirements are already known quantitative surveys allow the description of their characteristic in numbers.

Qualifying Coaches

In order to implement the design thinking approach for the long term in an organization selected employees are trained to become design thinking coaches. They evangelize and communicate the principles and methods throughout the organization.

Revolutionary Prototyping

The revolutionary prototyping stands for the abortion of prototypes and the pure progression of ideas and insights. Alternative terms are Throwaway Prototypes and Close-Ended Prototyping.

Responsive Design

Or ‘reactive design’ means a website reacting on the screen size of every device. This affects especially the rendering of single elements like navigation, images and text and also the usage of various input methods like clicking and hovering with the mouse on a desktop pc or tap and swipe on a touch screen.

Rapid Prototyping

In this workshop the method “rapid prototyping” is presented. Prototypes are great means of communication. Within the development team as well as with end users, customers and other stakeholders they serve as knowledge transfers regarding idea, utilization and characteristic. Prototyping optimizes the quality of the requirements definition and provides the possibility of conducting user tests. This early adoption to the real user needs saves high costs of late adjustments in the development process. With this approach, the final product will more likely meet the user’s needs regarding look, feel and performance.


Scrum is a project management framework and consists of only a few rules. The rules describe five activities and three artifacts created by three roles. The goal is the efficient and high-quality development of products in line with the described vision.

Service Blueprint

The Service Blueprint is used to visualize a service design concept with the corresponding service processes.

Service Design

Service Design describes the process of designing a service. It bases on Design Thinking, an approach supporting problem solving and idea finding processes. The approach requires an interdisciplinary team and a surrounding conducive to creativity. Essentially, the approach takes the people‘s needs and motivation of the system into account.


A storyboard visualizes how users benefit from a new system. It serves to convey function and processes within the team, to the customer and users.


Shadowing is an observation technique at which single participants of the target group are accompanied and observed over a longer period in order to record requirements, needs and processes in the real context.


A storytelling transfers all interview results to the team, summarizes the insights and structures the information. So an alternative term is Knowledge transfer.


A SWOT- analysis outlines strategic strengths, weaknesses, chances and risks of internal company activities in contrary to competitors.


A styleguide specifies and settles a consistent visual appearance for all elements and their states within an application. Alternative terms are Design guidelines and Corporate design guide.

Diary Method

Using the diary method selected people document their behavior in certain situations over a longer period. Alternative methods are the Photo study, Cultural probing, Media diaries and A day in the life.

Test Driven Development

Using the test driven development (TDD) software tests are written consequently before the implementation of the future component. With this high code coverage and a maximum of quality is guaranteed.

Usability Test

Usability tests are used for the evaluation of the usability of an existing product or prototype and offer the direct observation of the user. Not location bound tests are called Mobile usability test.

Use Cases

With use cases we assure the implementation of all intended functions and the matching to your user´s needs. An alternative term is User goals.

User Experience Design

Includes every practical, valuable and reasonable aspect of the experience of a user at the interaction with a product or service. At this the key characteristics are: useable, useful, desirable, findable, accessible, valuable and reliable.

User Research

As one of the most important methods of the requirements analysis this workshop presents qualitative guided interviews and their specific application.

User Experience Test

Leitfadengestützte Beobachtung des Anwenders beim Gebrauch eines Produktes. User Experience Tests können als UX Tests abgekürzt werden.

Video Prototyping

A video prototype conveys information in a very condensed way. It can inform about the application and utilization of a service or a product and at the same time trigger emotions and essential feedback.


Concepts, designs and prototypes are tested with users during the development and finishing.

Visual Design

The visual design focuses on the depiction of contents as well as the selection and layout of all design elements. Besides the consistency of all interaction elements also the company, brand and product messages are considered and communicated clearly. So an alternative term is simply Information visualization.


Wireframes visualize the basic structure of a screen layout. They can be hand drawn (Paper prototype) or even clickable (Interactive prototype, Click dummy or Mock-Up).

Target Group Analysis

With a target group analysis we examine which demographic group use or would use a specific product or service. Basing on that our experts describe and define what target groups are.

The workshop

Visualization Training

The workshop “Make your Business VISUAL” is the result of our many years of experience in the areas of digital transformation and agile working methods. Working visually demonstrably improves the understanding and presentation of complex contexts and supports the communication process.

We coach and establish agility - in the area of software as well as organizational development.

Agile Coaching

We coach and establish agility - in the area of software as well as organizational development.

We support you in a user-centered implementation of new digital tools in your company. In addition to consulting and creating a successful implementation and communication strategy, we conduct user-centered workshops with future users to enable them to use the digital solutions. We take into account all relevant application scenarios, so that the required skills and practical knowledge can be applied directly and sustainably in the respective work context.

Software Implementation

We support you in a user-centered implementation of new digital tools in your company. In addition to consulting and creating a successful implementation and communication strategy, we conduct user-centered workshops with future users to enable them to use the digital solutions. We take into account all relevant application scenarios, so that the required skills and practical knowledge can be applied directly and sustainably in the respective work context.

In an increasingly networked and complex world, it is no longer sufficient to focus on individual (specialist) knowledge. Design Thinking as a holistic mindset and working model helps to overcome obsolete ways of thinking and working. Based on a user-centered requirements analysis and the use of iteratively developed prototypes, innovative solutions are produced that meet the needs of customers, users, operators and their stakeholders.

Design Thinking

In an increasingly networked and complex world, it is no longer sufficient to focus on individual (specialist) knowledge. Design Thinking as a holistic mindset and working model helps to overcome obsolete ways of thinking and working. Based on a user-centered requirements analysis and the use of iteratively developed prototypes, innovative solutions are produced that meet the needs of customers, users, operators and their stakeholders.

Many people believe that creativity is anchored in our genes or requires talent. However, we claim that everyone can be creative! We not only show you the necessary framework conditions, but also suitable creative techniques for your personal working environment. Equipped with these tools you can successfully develop new ideas and maybe the next big idea.

Remote/online training: Creativity techniques

Many people believe that creativity is anchored in our genes or requires talent. However, we claim that everyone can be creative! We not only show you the necessary framework conditions, but also suitable creative techniques for your personal working environment. Equipped with these tools you can successfully develop new ideas and maybe the next big idea.

What does your target group really need? In this online training you will gain skills to understand your user’s context. In addition, we show you methods to structure and describe the knowledge gained about your target group and its usage behavior.

Remote/online training: User research

What does your target group really need? In this online training you will gain skills to understand your user’s context. In addition, we show you methods to structure and describe the knowledge gained about your target group and its usage behavior.

Learn how to interact and collaborate more efficiently with your team, no matter where you are. In this online training, you will learn about the various applications of the Microsoft 365 package, especially the collaboration tool Microsoft Teams. In addition to the basics you will learn useful tricks, as well as examples of use from other companies.

Remote/online training: Micorosoft 365 - Teams

Learn how to interact and collaborate more efficiently with your team, no matter where you are. In this online training, you will learn about the various applications of the Microsoft 365 package, especially the collaboration tool Microsoft Teams. In addition to the basics you will learn useful tricks, as well as examples of use from other companies.

The seminar participants learn the basic skills of visual process support, in particular the visual preparation of meetings and workshops.

Remote/online training: Visualization training

The seminar participants learn the basic skills of visual process support, in particular the visual preparation of meetings and workshops.

Suddenly in the home office? What does this mean for you and your team? We help with virtual collaboration! In this webinar you learn the essential skills for working efficiently, organized and collaboratively with your teammates outside your office.

Remote/online training: Home office & mobile work

Suddenly in the home office? What does this mean for you and your team? We help with virtual collaboration! In this webinar you learn the essential skills for working efficiently, organized and collaboratively with your teammates outside your office.