What We Do

We identify the needs of our customers, design relevant processes, conceive and optimize digital products and services, implement software and sustainably enable our customers in these activities.

We learn the needs and requirements; we test the usability and user experience. We are the experienced partner for our customers and accompany the conception and development. We then validate the prototypes and products.
We are creators of the experienceability of digital products and services. In the agile design process, we develop digital products and services that people really need and can use optimally. We work hand in hand with UX researchers, consultants and software developers. In doing so, we closely involve the customer and validate solutions with potential users.
We are experts in the planning, analysis, conception and implementation of application software and web applications for desktop and mobile devices.
We enable our customers to work in an agile and user-centered way - sustainable and tailored to the individual needs of each customer. Our coaches draw on our many years of project experience and the various expertise of an interdisciplinary team.
As specialists, we develop digital solutions together with our customers. We develop strategies and support our customers in their strategic realignment. We act as a competent companion in innovation and change processes and help with product and service optimization.

services and methods

Adjective Association

This method involves gathering associations with images or terms to generate valuable feedback and innovative ideas.

Analogy Study

Analogies from other contexts improve the user-friendliness and understanding of digital products by simplifying complex concepts.

User Story

User stories describe functionalities and requirements for a system desired by users in the context of their actual application.

Blended Projects

The experts at D-LABS are experienced in supporting existing product teams in the successful implementation of Design Thinking methods.

Card Sorting

Card Sorting allows users to sort and prioritize information into thematic groups.

Brand Experience Design

Brand Experience Design is the strategic creation of immersive interactions between a brand and its customers across various touchpoints to establish a unified and emotional brand experience.


During Co-Creation, stakeholders and users work on issues relevant to the product and develop solutions and ideas together.

Strategic Product Development

The development of a product strategy for new and existing products is essential to define a clear objective and thus successfully implement ideas.

Customer Journey Maps

A Customer Journey Map shows the process of interaction between user, company and/or product and promotes user-centered development.

Customer Experience Design

Customer Experience Design creates and optimizes the entire customer journey to foster positive and seamless interactions with a brand or company.

Evolutionary Prototyping

Evolutionary Prototyping refers to an approach in product development in which prototypes are developed iteratively and incrementally, with each prototype building on the previous one.

Experience Prototyping

Experience Prototyping considers the entire user experience, including how users interact with a product and which emotions are evoked.

Flow Model

Flow models visualize the information flows between individuals, departments and facilities that are necessary for the implementation of work tasks.

Focus Group Discussion

Focus Group Discussions capture diverse opinions on a topic by interviewing a group and provide nuanced insights into the needs and experiences of users.

Human Centered Design

Human Centered Design, also known as User Centered Design, is an approach to understanding the needs, contexts, constraints, and behaviors of users.

Discovery Workshop

A Discovery Workshop (AKA: Kick-Off Workshop) covers a comprehensive analysis of the requirements of all stakeholders, which then form the basis for successful product development.

Click Dummy

A Click Dummy (AKA: Interactive Prototype) is a partially interactive prototype of a website or application. Taken literally, it is a clickable placeholder and represents the product to be developed.

Competition Analysis

The competition analysis provides an overview of the market and the market situation, and indicates trends.

Medium Fidelity Prototyping

A medium fidelity prototype is a prototype with limited functionality but clickable areas which presents the interactions and navigation possibilities of an application.

Creative Session

The aim of a Creative Session is to generate as many ideas and solutions to a specific problem as possible.

Paper Prototyping

Paper Prototyping is a quick and easy option to test and adapt an early prototype and gather initial feedback on the application.

Persona Power Workshop

A Persona Power Workshop covers the creation and use of personas and use cases and their relevance in everyday working life.

Process Design

Process Design is a method to visualize workflows and processes of use based on insights gained from user interactions.

Usability Test

Usability Tests are validations of prototypes in which the users themselves directly interact with the product.


A persona is a vivid characterization of a target user group. It visualizes their needs expectations and mode of behavior. They are based on real user experiences.

Qualitative Interviews

Qualitative interviews are applied to analyze user needs and requirements, to de-scribe processes and evaluate opinions and preferences of users.

Quantitative Surveys

If user needs and requirements are already known quantitative surveys allow the description of their characteristic in numbers.

Throwaway Prototyping

The idea behind Throwaway Prototyping is to create prototypes quickly and cost-effectively and to “throw away” ideas. An alternate name is Revolutionary Prototyping.

Rapid Prototyping

Rapid Prototyping is an approach in product development in which prototypes of a product are quickly and efficiently created to review design concepts, test functionalities, and gather feedback.

Service Blueprint

A service blueprint is a holistic overview of the user’s interaction process with a product or service.


A Storyboard visualizes how users effectively utilize a product.


Shadowing is an observation technique at which single participants of the target group are accompanied and observed over a longer period in order to record requirements, needs and processes in the real context.


Storytelling documents all findings from interviews for the rest of the team. Clusters are formed and data structured in a collaborative approach.

Diary Study

A Diary Study captures authentic user experiences over a period of time for continuous insights during the development of user-centered solutions.

Use Cases

Use Cases describe a future application from the user’s perspective and thus ensure the finished product meets all requirements.

User Experience Design

The User Experience (UX) refers to all phases of use including the purchase and installation of the product, its efficiency and effectiveness, and the emotions and reactions that have an impact on the user as a result of using a system.

User Research Workshop

As one of the most important methods of the requirements analysis this workshop presents qualitative guided interviews and their specific application.

Video Prototyping

A video prototype conveys information in a very condensed way. It can inform about the application and utilization of a service or a product and at the same time trigger emotions and essential feedback.


Validations test concepts, designs and prototypes with users during their development.


Wireframes (AKA: Low Fidelity Prototypes) visualize a concept in the early phase of development. It enables the validation of the information architecture and the workflow of the system to be developed.

Target Group Analysis

A Target Group Analysis examines which demographics use a product or service, or would use it in the future.

Hero Method

The hero method is an idea generation technique in which you imagine how another person would solve the problem.