services and methods

Video Prototyping

Instead of a software application, Video Prototyping depicts a scene or action in video format to illustrate how a product or function could be used in the real world. It works out the core of a service or product on the basis of a User Story; the Video Prototype then shows which Persona wants to achieve which goal to which benefit, or which problem is solved by which service or product. An in-between step from the User Story to the Video Prototype is a more detailed Storyboard.

Video Prototyping makes it possible to visualize ideas, demonstrate interactions and present user experiences without having a fully functional implementation. These prototypes thus provide access to feedback early in the development process before resources are spent on the full-scale development of a product or feature.

Nice to know:

Video Prototyping is a creative way to present concepts and stimulate discussion about the vision and functionality of the product. By illustrating scenarios, this method helps to gain a better understanding of user needs and perspectives. A Video Prototype creates identification, inspires, and triggers emotions, thus generating quick and easy feedback.